Monday, April 23, 2007

Spring has Sprung...

And so has Norah! Would you believe she gained an entire pound in one week?! She really had slowed down there from January to April but BAM she's now not just a little baby anymore...she's starting to look more and more like a little girl everyday. CRAZY. She's now 7 and a half months. Before I know it, I'll be planning a birthday party!

(Click on the pics as they are low resolution, they'll open into the full clear images)

Some of her new things?

1. TEETH! Houston, we finally have teeth...and two of them at that! One day the bottom two finally popped all the way through and I got all excited. I think I scared at her. She looked at me as if to say, "Mom, c'mon. I'm growing up. What is the big deal? Get over it."

2. SITTING...and PULLING UP TO STAND! She's been sitting up by herself since the day she turned 6 months, but as of right now, she is showing absolutely no interest in crawling. Just in the last couple of days though, she's really started to pull herself up to stand while using other objects. Amazing. It will be interesting to see if she skips crawling altogether. She'll be on all fours and get mad because she can't "go" anywhere, she's much happier just sitting and rolling and goofing off. Crazy kid.

3. LITTLE TURTLE! She's hilarious now (well, not if she's screaming) when we go to get her from her crib. She gets on her belly and lifts her head up like a little turtle and peers around to look for us, as if she's saying, "I'm going to stop crying now, and look around the room to see if you're coming to get me." It's pretty funny. She's smarter than we give her credit for!

4. WHAT'S NEW WITH US... Just enjoying each day (some are more frustrating than others, I'm sure you can imagine) with Norah. Our childcare situation seems to be evening out now. Rich had been working doubleshifts in order to care for Norah on Mondays. We now have to find a sitter for just Mondays and what a task that was! We finally have someone. Rich keeps Norah on Tues and Wed and part of Friday and Norah's Nana (Rich's mom) keeps her the remaining 1.5 days. We're lucky to have been able to work something out like this! In other news, we're just busy....busy with Norah and everything else that comes with it. When we're not at home with her, spending time together, one of us is at work. Add that to regular household stuff, running errands, etc....and there you have it. It's our life right now. And we were just talking about this tonight, we wouldn't change anything.

5. RUN, NORAH, RUN! Ok, well, Norah's not running, but her mommy is! It will be my first post-baby 5k. I know 5k is nothing to you marathoners, but it's an accomplishment for me. Heck, I'm just going to try to run 3/4's of it! It's hard to actually get some running in. There. is. just. no. time. I refuse to run at 5am, and it's hard to squeeze in a run after work, but before Norah's 7pm bedtime. Anyway, I might be burning some serious energy, but Norah isn't. Ha!

Random photos

Not exactly sure how this one happened, as I was at work, but Rich thought it was funny that Norah managed to snag a bra out of the pile as he was folding laundry. Her face is saying, "Arrrrrrrrr"

Do you see how ornery she is?

Gotta love her dimples...she cracks us up!

Norah's First Easter. The idea was nice. You know, have grandma make a pretty little dress (it turned out beautiful), the Easter bunny came to our house, go to church, etc. Norah had other plans in mind. She SCREAMED all day. By the end of the day, Norah wasn't the only one in tears. (We later found out she had an ear infection, severe constipation and teething issues all at the same time.) We tried to make the best of it and even managed to get some good pictures in the process.

Last series of pictures...Norah's second wedding was last weekend. You know, we kind of have to laugh. What baby at 7.5 months has been to two weddings, one bridal shower, one bachelorette party? That's what happens when your mommy is an event planner. I guess she'll have great party ettiquette in preschool, right? If Norah wasn't so all over the place (active baby!) I might've gotten a good shot of her and daddy! (At least now we have one decent picture of her in the beautiful, infamous Easter dress!)

Ok, last thing! HILARIOUS. These are must see videos!

Getting tickled by daddy's mustache...too funny!

Gasp! We actually caught one moment during Easter where she was happy!

And my favorite...reflecting by the window. She looks like such a big girl here!

I have more videos and pictures, but I'll save those for later!

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